Sunday 15 May 2011

..........derr na neerrr neerre neeeeeeoooooooo....

For those who don't speak guitar riff.....thats the opening chords of the Derek and the Dominoes classic "Layla".

Layla was our life saver. After several aborted shoots over the weekend, both Scouse and Cornish were both flagging. After a day relaxing, and with a happy Candie ready to go, it was up to our quintessential English Rose, direct from the Potteries of Stoke-on-Trent who came up to play, her exact words were "I've been dying to be asked to do one of these"

So a few things you should know about Layla....

1. She's starred in a small budget film which is currently doing all the film festivals - the film is called "The Stone" and it's getting some rave reviews....

2. She's a tarot card reader and reads the lines on your hands. Yup she can tell what you've been upto with your palms lads.... ooo err, be afraid!

3. She is very very funny and quick witted, and really she should do stand up...

So in Episode 15 Part 2 both Layla and Candie play the game that all the girls want to play to win.... "Sticky or Twist". With prizes of sweets and wine and the obligatory Cornish bottle of cyder on offer, it was always going to be competitive....with 12 bits of paper, 4 prizes, 7 sticky or twist and 1 gunge, the game is fairly simple - win a prize continue and risk being gunged and lose the prizes too!



... we got you on your knees
 ....she's begging Darling please!

Enough with the Clapton already, the gungetastic update is up soon at - simply press the download store button on the side!

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