Sunday 6 May 2012

A New Host!

Jon has decided to move onto other things and recently parted company with the site, there are still quite a few videos yet to be released with him hosting yet though. However next week’s update is hosted by our new host...the charming, witty, gorgeous and slightly cheeky (not to mention sometimes bossy) Annabelle.

For those of you who haven’t a clue who I am talking about here are a couple of photos of the lovely lady both clean and messy.


Annabelle has probably done more shoots for the site than any other model and rescued me on more occasions than I can remember, she’s now a good friend. She really understands the concept and the fun. She’s become rather good at mixing the gunge and has been great on the shoots where she has hosted so far. She claims not to like being gunged but I don’t believe that for a second! I thought it would be a good idea to do a short interview with her so those of you who haven’t seen her videos (see both download stores she has been in loads) to get to know our new host a little better before she is unleashed on you in the next episode. 

Hi Annabelle how’s things?

Hi, good thanks! Just on my way back from 4 days of work in Leeds!

How are you enjoying doing the hosting on the site?

It’s a real change being behind the camera but I'm loving it! It’s great fun 
and it allows my evil side to sneak out even more! Mwahaha!!! I do get
jealous of all the messy fun the girls are
having though.

Which do you prefer doing the hosting or playing the games yourself?

Oooooh I like them both for different reasons! Ideally I'd like to do a bit
of both - I couldn't stop the messy fun altogether, that's no fair!!

What’s your favourite game?

It has to be my very own creation.... EXTREME rock, paper scissors! 
I just love it!- particularly as I win A LOT!! I should enter national 
championships or something...Complete with my bucket of gunge of 

What is Bob like to work with?

Bob is awesome; he really knows how to look after the girls... 
And he never complains when I march in the studio and start helping
myself to cheese on toast, tea, chocolate etc etc!!! I think he knows
who's boss when Annabelle is around ;) hehe!

Anything to say to the fans before we leave you?

Yes! Look out for my excellent hosting skills on
...and don't worry,I've not given up getting messy!!! 
Thanks guys, see you soon :)
Ok thanks for your time Annabelle. Keep your eye on the site to see how she gets on folks.

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