Monday 30 July 2012

Amber & Kiki on trial, PC problems and last weekends shoots

Apologies for the lack of updates and notice about our twitter feed from the shoots this weekend, I’ve had some severe PC problems and am only just back online. The twitter feed wasn’t as extensive as usual as we had to do it from Annabelle’s phone but it can be found here to get a flavour of what went on. More on the blog next weekend about that all things being equal.

The PC dying prevented me getting this update up last week so slightly belatedly we have the Messymayhem court room open once more. Standing is Judge Annabelle and before here two reprobates, the busty very well spoken Amber and the cute and bubbly Kiki. One of them faced a rather gungey sentence for their crimes, it’s Episode 32 Part 2 and it’s up now on the download store

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