Saturday 20 October 2012

Messymayhem is 3 years old!

Well actually it was last week but I’ve only just realised myself! The site has been open and a bastion of gunged girls and silly games for 3 years and counting now. It’s been a lot of fun along the way and also a lot of hard work. A few thank yous are in order:

All the models who we’ve worked with for the site for putting up with my daft sense of humour and in general being very sporting about being covered in gunge repeatedly. Honourable mentions especially go to Scarlot Rose and Karen

Annabelle for saving my neck on countless occasions and stepping in to the host role with aplomb.

Dunktank Dave for keeping me in supplies of gunge.

Devo77 for liking everything we do and posting about it and ECIain for buying everything we do.

Messyjojo for cleaning services and other assistance.

And finally thank you to everyone who has bought something off the site and allowed me to keep having all this messy mayhem & fun!

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