Monday 25 March 2013

Messymayhem Towers Open for Business This Weekend!

Gunge - Arrived
Custard - Bought
Paper plates - Bought
Bin bags - Bought
Dream Topping - Bought
Plastic Sheeting - Bought
Gaffa Tape - Bought
Tapes for 2nd Camera - Bought
Prizes for games - Bought
Chocolate and sweets for energy bursts and to placate angry models who have just been gunged - Bought
Games - Written
Cash to pay models - Withdrawn
Models x 6 - Booked
Annabelle - Booked
Day off work to recover and clean up - Booked
Snow - Melting
Forecast - Not too bad

So far so good things are shaping up well for a busy weekend at Messymayhem towers. If all goes to plan then we will be doing shoots with some new faces and others that you will know. It promises to be fun, exhausting and very very messy. Hopefully at the end of it we'll have some fantastic new videos to go up on the site.

If you want to keep up to date with what is going on and see some photos of goings on as they happen (like the ones below) then you need to point yourself at our twitter feed and start following. That can be found here Tweets will start on Thursday 28th evening and go on to the end of shooting on Sunday 31st.

Finally as you might imagine from the list above my bank account has taken somewhat of a battering this month. Any assistance in replenishing it and allowing me to continue producing messy silliness would be very much appreciated! To do so just go to the either download store on the site and buy something.

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