Wednesday 30 October 2013

Reccent shoots and an apology

First off an apology, I’m not going to be able to get Episode 53 Part 3 up this week as I’ve got a lot on and there are a few tech problems yet to be overcome. However it’s not all bad news just over a week ago Messymayhem towers were open for business and sadly due to things being even more manic here than usual and some bad phone signal thrown into the mix we didn’t manage to get the usual load of photos up on twitter. To make up for that here is a brief summary of events and some pictures of what went on. I hope that makes up for it a bit!

Well as is custom disaster struck before the shoots as Annabelle was unavailable for hosting duties, gunge mixology expertise and generally bossing me about. This was going to be a bit of an issue as its blinking hard work getting all the prep work done for a Messymayhem shoot, running the shoot single handed and shooting stills and on two video camera is pretty much impossible. However help was at hand in the form of Kiki who very kindly agreed to come and be guest host. Here she is in host / camerawoman mode.

We are also indebted to Iain from EC gunge as the usual gunge supply had run dry and he sent me some bits to save the day. This was supplemented by some kids poster paint for colouring and some Xanthan gum bought of Amazon. As a result gunge mixology was a more complex affair than normal and Kiki was well schooled in it in the two days she was with me.

 On the Sunday we had the company of stunning short haired blonde gunge Portia and the gorgeous geordie Rachelle who has been on the site before and was very popular indeed. Rachelle arrived the night before as I was tarping. “Great I thought some help with all this tarp and gaffa tape” her contribution though was just to fall asleep on the sofa as I worked which was pretty impressive considering all the noise I was making! The next morning though mayhem commenced and below you can see a bit of what went on...

Next day we were joined by the stunning (and very tall) blonde Hannah and super sexy brunette Tina (who’s from Lithuania). We managed to get some shots this time of the girls in binbag dresses after they had been gunged but had no signal on Kiki’s phone to tweet them! Note the addition to the Messymayhem fashion range of the see through binbag dress! Here they are and a few more. Look out for videos from these shoots coming to the site in the next few months and if you like what you see please consider buying a few downloads so I can keep doing this.


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