Sunday 12 April 2015

A new base, model disasters, gunge, silliness and a teddy bear....

So Messymayhem has another new base (just round the corner from the last one). A couple of weeks ago we did our first weekend of shoots there. We were due on the Saturday to shoot with three lovely gunge virgins. However fate was against us as within about the space of a week all three had dropped out. Two of which I had time to find replacements for, the third however called me on the morning of the shoot to cancel so, no chance! It wasn’t the end of the world though, I still had 2 models coming and Annabelle to do the hosting…or so I thought! One of the replacement models I’d arranged failed to show up. This left us with one host: the amazing Annabelle, one model: the gorgeous Destiny Dunes and a bit of a problem. We needed another girl for the games to work, emergency measures were introduced and “Betsy Bluebear” was brought in at the last minute to come to the rescue. What we shot wasn’t really what we had planned however it was very funny and we got some great videos despite the model disasters. I can confirm that the gunge tank still operates well in its new home. Here is a sneak peek of what went on….


The following day we had a treat in terms of models. Firstly they both showed up! Secondly they were the stunning and feisty Jess West and the devastatingly gorgeous Roxy Mendez. Roxy was making her debut on Messymayhem but she is no stranger to getting messy, she absolutely loves it in fact! We had a great shoot and experimented with doing some new things, some of which worked, others didn’t. A great time was had by all but we all worked blinking hard as usual! Jess was bullying me, making accusations of cheating and generally taking exception to any rule she was on the wrong side of. It didn’t keep her clean though! So that was the new base well untruly christened I’m sure we’ll be back to do more there in the Summer. As per usual I couldn’t have done it without the hardwork of Guest0, Candy Custard and Henry Wilcox. Without them the gunge wouldn’t have got mixed, the clean up would have taken an age, everyone on the shoot would have starved and no photos would have been taken. So big thanks to them! Talking of photos I leave you with some of the photos taken by Henry on the second day of shooting. Look out for the videos and photosets from the shoots coming in further updates on Messymayhem!


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