Saturday 3 December 2022

Messymayhem Advent Calendar 2022 Day 3

The gorgeous Patience from her interview for the host role. You can find all her videos here

Also the entire download store has a sale running this weekend. We have a ratcheting discount system operating. For every additional video or photoset you buy you get an additional 5% discount up to a maximum of 35%. Basically the more you buy the more you save. Here's a break down below:
1 video or photoset = no discount
2 videos or photosets = 5% discount
3 videos or photosets = 10% discount
4 videos or photosets = 15% discount
5 videos or photosets = 20% discount
6 videos or photosets = 25% discount
7 videos or photosets = 30% discount
8 videos or photosets or more = 35% discount



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