.... as a tribute to one of the stars of Messymayhem's latest installment. Episode 11, starring Swedish blonde (hang on, are there any brunettes in Sweden) Chivone, and alt goth Kayleigh, neither of which had ever done this kind of thing before, but loved the idea, so who did they call, Ghostbusters! Sadly Messrs Egon and Venkman couldn't help, and gave them our number...

Highlights of this episode include....
Chivone's ability to drink cider and pour gunge at the same time....
Kayleigh admitting she's named after the Marillon 80's soft rock ballad track of the same name....
Chivone's beautiful rendition of her National anthem!
Kayleigh's chaperone really getting into the spirit of things, "Get it in her face, she loves it in her face"
Kayleigh asking for help from said boyfriend chaperone, and him making her lose! We liked him, don't know why!
Part 1 sees our duo take on the challenge of hands, feet and mouth, the game of skill and poise to see who is the macdaddy of removing marshmellows from a tub of Angel Delight.....
Also..... Episode 8 starring some waif and stray we found under a park bench, is now in the UMD store

In other news.... our twitter feed - twitter.com/messymayhemcom will be a buzzin' as we're shooting a few episodes over the weekend. Some familar faces will be seen, and one of them might set you the viewers a lil challenge in exchange for a freebie...
See you round like a mini covered choco doughnut from Asda.....
Din i Smal (Yours in Slime)
The Cornish One.