MessyMayhem Mission Statement
- Messymayhem.com
- Purveyor of videos and photos of messy girls, wet and messy fun and slimy silliness featuring gallons of gunge.
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
By popular request: Annabelle in the bondage chair!
Well many of you asked for it, even more voted for it and it’s finally here. Our gorgeous host Annabelle is presented with the results of the poll and the reasons why people think she should be gunged in the chair and can’t avoid the inevitable. It’s up now on the download store
Sunday, 25 August 2013
Gunge, giggles, Annabelle in the bondage chair and a bit nasty clean up!
Last weekend Messymayhem Towers were
once again open for business. Here’s a round up of what went on...
Proceedings almost started in disaster.
I was starting to unpack the cupboard with all the messy mayhem gear in it. The
pool, buckets, bondage chair etc all live in there. One of the light stands
came flying out of the cupboard and narrowly missed my head! However with no
harm done I took this as enthusiasm from the light stand to get cracking and
that’s what I did. The rest of the prep went without incident.
morning I got up and logged straight into the UMD, I wanted to check and
announce the final results of the poll I had been running. It had been a good
while since our lovely host Annabelle had been in front of the cameras for the
site. Quite a few people had mentioned to me in the past couple of months they
would like to see her getting gunged again. More specifically they wanted to
see her strapped into our inflatable bondage chair and gunged! I had mentioned
this to Annabelle in passing and she had just laughed it off and didn’t really
believe me. I knew to make it happen I would have to prove to her that people
did want to see it. So I created the poll a week before the shoots. 98 people
had voted in favour of it happening and only 4 against. In addition one person
had voted in favour by e-mail and another via twitter. With the exception of 4
of them these people were going to be made happy. Annabelle on the other had
was not going to be happy! I announced the results and got to work doing the
rest of the prep for the day.
arrived later that day and as is her usual custom set about making cheese on
toast. I elected not to tell her about what we’d be doing later as I wanted to
keep the element of surprise and also I was slightly scared as to what her
reaction might be! Instead I set myself the task of getting the task of getting
the lights and tripods up and Annabelle began the gunge mixology. She had a new
type of gunge to get to grips with. Our usual supplier Dunk Tank Dave had
supply problems prior to the shoot. I had a few packs left over from previous
shoots but this wasn’t enough so Iain from EC Gunge, a great friend of the site
had come to the rescue and sold me some of his supply. The difference being
Iain’s gunge was uncoloured so I had to trek round Liverpool to find some
washable kids poster paint. At first Annabelle was worried by this new batch as
it didn’t seem to be going thick. However it soon thickened up and she decided
it was actually better than the stuff we had from Dave. I should just point out
though that I think Iain had originally got it from Dave anyway so technically
it was all gunge from Dave one way or another!
my phone went I’d lost track of time and the models were waiting for me at the
station. I put up my umbrella as it was chucking it down with rain and set off
to meet them. They were Faye, a very pretty brunette hailing from Yorkshire and
Reggie a larger than life busty chocolate skinned girl from Manchester sporting
tattooed arms and shocking pink hair. Reggie was incredibly excited, she had
been tweeting all week about how much she was looking forward to the shoot and
how she always wanted to be gunged. Eventually we got started although it hard
at times to get a word in edgeways with two very chatty models! Reggie nearly
deafened me shrieking when she got an answer right in a quiz. It soon became
apparent that Fay had excellent “geek knowledge” and that we shared a love of
Doctor Who and we had some very fun geeky chat in between filming.
it came to being gunged Reggie love the feel and could be heard saying “it’s so
sexual” but she wasn’t too fond of having it on her face and not being able to
see. Seeing the gunge covering her ample boobs was quite a sight to see though!
Faye on the other hand just seemed to love it generally and was like a giggly
squealing school girl whilst being covered.
was a great fun shoot with few quiet moments. In fact at times without
realising Reggie took over the hosting role from Annabelle. It had one of the
most bizarre endings of any Messymayhem shoot though. Normally things finish up
with both girls wrestling around or splashing gunge over each other. However
for reasons best known to themselves Reggie and Faye decided to make their own
spoof advert for an X-rated channel while lying in a pool of gunge. This was
bizarre but funny nonetheless. The girls got cleaned up and I took them back to
the station. As I left I asked Annabelle to make up four buckets of gunge. To
my surprise she didn’t question what it was for and just got on with it. Little
did she know it was for her...
returned from the station and went to collect the bondage chair from where I
had thrown it in the garden after its pervious use. To my surprise the rain had
been so heavy it had actually washed all the gunge off the chair. That was one
less job to do. By now Annabelle was getting suspicious and asked what was
going on, “We’re doing another video” I told her “Oh no” came the reply as the
penny started to drop as to what the gunge she had just mixed was for. I didn’t
tell her any more until the cameras were rolling. I then told her all about the
poll and what people had requested and the reasons they had given me. I won’t
divulge too much as I don’t want to spoil the forthcoming video which should be
up later this week but I will say Annabelle got very messy indeed. She actually
took it very well I even think she might have enjoyed it!
was then left to me to do all the cleanup which was only fair after the gunging
she had just taken. A few hours later I flopped exhausted onto the sofa with my
pizza which had just arrived. It had been a good fun day but there was more to
come tomorrow. I should just appologise now to anyone who was trying to follow
what was going on via twitter. The signal for Annabelle’s phone was very poor
and we didn’t realise that most of the tweets we were sending weren’t actually
going up. However I hope these pictures make up for it a bit....
The next day didn’t start particularly
well. The dust sheet I used on the previous day was from Wilkinsons a large
thick and hard wearing affair. The one I had to contend with on the second day
was from Tescos it was small (I had to use 2 to cover the same area), thin (which
made it unwieldy) and prone to ripping. In other words the tarping was a
nightmare and took me twice as long as it should, I do not recommend Tesco’s
for dustsheets! Then I got a text from Annabelle with more bad news, her bus
hadn’t turned up and this meant she had to walk to the station which meant she
missed her train and was going to be an hour late. Mixing the gunge was a very
rushed affair when she did arrive and half way through my phone went. The
models were at the station and I had to dash off and get them. I arrived out of
breath and a bit stressed.
for me couldn’t have been two more lovely girls. Patience was from the
Midlands, a pale skinned and slightly gothic looking beauty. She was very
chatty and had a great sense of fun. Tindra was a blonde bombshell from Iceland
but working in London. She’d heard of the site through Jess West and wanted to
give it a go. She has an amazing curvy figure only matched by her incredibly
sexy accent and cute giggle.
shoot itself was brilliant both girls were really up for it and had a blast.
There was no holding back either with giving out the gunge or receiving it. You
could tell they were having an immense amount of fun. Tindra kept us amused in
the breaks between shoots by reading out the jokes on Penguin biscuits (which
are terrible) and then collapsing into giggles as though it was the funniest
things she had ever heard. Also the spectacle of her singing “Greased Lighting”
in Icelandic whilst jiggling her boobs during one of the videos was quality
entertainment. While Patience appeared sweet, innocent and cute I discovered
she had a cheeky and potentially dangerous streak, announcing she wanted to
gunge me! I’m noticing a pattern in this regard. Nearly all the models who have
wanted to see me covered in gunge have been from the midlands area. Karen,
Brook and Messy Jessie being examples of midlands models who have have tried
with varying degrees of success. Time absolutely flew with Tindra and Patience and soon it was time
to bid them fond farewell.
enjoy a few photos from the shoot and twitter which was a bit more successful on
the second day!
There was
just one shoot left to do. Annabelle had expressed interest in doing custom
videos, we had advertised and got some responses but only managed to get one
booked in. This was for a umd user called “Nasty Gunge”. Now as you might
gather he’s not into you average pies, gunge and custard that is normally
delivered on Messymayhem. Earlier in the week I had a visit from Tesco home
delivery bringing me all sorts of stuff to use on this shoot and in copious
amounts. Items included brown sauce, ketchup, mayo, salad cream, thousand
island dressing, curry sauce, korma cooking sauce, burger sauce, piccalilli,
garlic sauce, cream cheese with garlic, potato salad, cottage cheese, coleslaw,
potato and leek soup, mushroom soup, lentil soup, broccoli and stilton soup and
probably other things I have forgotten. All of this was destined for poor
Annabelle. Truth be told I’m not sure why she agreed to do it! I don’t often
feel sorry for a girl that’s getting messy but I did then! The smell was quite
overpowering I’m not sure how but she got through most of it laughing. You can
tell though that we are both rather tired when filming this though as our
humour is even more random than usual! This kind of mess is not my cup of tea
but I’m sure when it goes up on the site all you fans of stinky mess will love
I have got to
say the cleanup from this video has got to be the worst I have ever done. We
finished the shoot at 6.30. At 11.30 I had only had a 20 min break and had to
give in and go to bed. It took a further 4 hours ten next morning. I hosed off
the pool in the back garden. I was most of the way to being clean when I found
a large rip in the bottom of the pool. With a heavy heart I put the pool in the
bin. We’d been through a lot together and it felt a bit like losing a friend. I
then set about washing up the myriad of bottles, tins and jars and getting the
house straight. I found that evening it was going to cost me around £70 to get
a pool like that one as a replacement (I got it for £20 from Argos when they
had an offer on!) I really needed one that big and I couldn't wait for them to
be in season as I have Rachelle booked for October already. I woke up at 7.30am
the following morning with an idea. I pulled the pool out of the bin, dumped it
in the bath and emptied the bottles of shampoo and conditioner that the models
had left all over the pool along with some fairy liquid and anti bac handwash
and filled it with hot water and gave it a damn good scrub. I forgot to close
the air inlets though and managed to fill it with water so then had to squeeze
it out, I think it’s sort of equivalent of giving CPR. I dried it off and at
least that had tackled the smell! I then inflated it and found it still goes up
and holds air. I then used two puncture repair kits to fix the tear which
wasn't as bad as I had first thought! Lo and behold the pool was resurrected! I
don’t know in total how long the clean up took but it had nearly killed both me
and the pool, sorry nasty fans but never again!
Ignoring the
massive cleanup and near death of the pool by and large it had been another set
of really fun shoots producing some excellent videos for the site. All it
remains for me to do is thank the models, Faye, Reggie, Patience and Tindra.
Also thanks to Dunk Tank Dave and Iain from EC Gunge for gunge provision and
Nasty Gunge for financing the custom (though not for the clean up). Finally
huge thanks to Annabelle for being brilliant and above all else a good sport. Keep
your eyes on the site for the videos over the coming months and I hope you’ll
enjoy them. Thanks for reading and be for now.
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