Jessie has been guest hosting Messymayhem but knowing that Annabelle can’t
stand anyone else “stealing her job” and what happened to Jess West and Kiki
when the guest hosted Jessie has taken precautions. Jessie has hypnotised Bob
so that he will only do what she says. As predicted Annabelle is not happy when
she catches up with Jessie and is even less impressed when she finds out Bob
has been hypnotised. Poor Jessie thinks that she is safe, however finds herself
hypnotised by Annabelle and then stripping off and telling Bob to strap her
into the inflatable bondage chair and cover her in cold gunge. Jessie has no
memory of doing this and can’t understand what’s going on but by this time her
gorgeous boobs are on show and she is strapped into the chair with the first of
many buckets of cold gunge on the way. It’s Episode 71 Part 3 and it’s up now
on the download store