Tis I, the bald Cornish one, Junior Partner Jonny....
Well Bosunbob had the great idea of doing 3 shoots in 4 days. Ok says I, I'll come up and help.... So with suitcase in boot and camcorder as a passenger, I trundle up the motorway, despite the final 3 hours of the journey being at a practical standstill, I arrive an assist with the setup of the studio, which involves large lungs and a paddling pool, and a love for gaffa tape and dust sheets....
Sunday comes, and so does the wam veteran Michelle Monroe, and wam virgin Rachel C to Chez Bosun. Watered, and fed with cookies, sweets and chocolates, the girls acted real troopers with all manner of laughter, rudeness, fiestyness and attitude - even after 6 films later.....
An overnight cleanup, only stopped for pizza and sleep, meant that we went to get a bigger tarp to put down. It was big. Far too big, so it was chopped before Annabelle and Michelle returned for more gunge. And Michelle decided it would be funny to get me whilst i was cleaning her. Damn gunged models!
Tuesday gave us a day of recovery... and christ we needed it. Of the investments we made on sunday morning , a squeegee, you know the kind you do your windows with, was purchased with the idea of scrapeing the gunk of the lasses, so that it didnt drip over Bob's lovely cream carpet! So all the girls got squeeged! And we didnt charge them for the privilege!
So on Wednesday morning, we were in the position of taking our time, gunge was mixed by 8:30, the shoot wasnt until midday, and the girls, Lorna and Karen (from the first episode). Both Karen and Lorna were stars as both went at it hell for leather, (although i think it was the jelly babies and cola bottles that made Karen hyper active and vengeful against our blatant rigging!), The end involved a very rushed shower for lorna, who got on her train home, just!, with a tinge and smell of custard in her hair! The reason for that rapid dousing? Squelching. Smutty innuendo from Karen, who decided to make noises with the gunge. Guess you'll have to see how that is in 2010 when they are released.....
Anyways..... your first exclusive blog readers.... here's some hi res pics of Annabelle Don't Laugh shoot aka Ep 2 Pt 1 - available at www.messymayhem.com
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